Wednesday, June 9, 2010

Prep Days

So Tuesday was a prep day. Amazingly all the high schoolers, my kids, everyone was up by 6:30am. Okay, maybe not amazingly since the heat was stifling and the roosters were constant. We are staying at a guest house right in the city of Jacmel. So it is pretty loud. I can sleep through everything but not everyone can. I guess I have a gift:) When the people quiet down the dogs start and when the dogs stop the roosters start. I love it.

Yesterday we spent the day preparing for the soccer camp. We organized all the supplies we brought, pumped up all the soccer balls, bagged up medicines and clothes, etc. Then I napped with the girls while Chris and the team went to the location of the soccer camp to see what the plan was for the week. For dinner we went to the Pyes house. It was fun to see their house again and hang there for awhile.

Today we again all woke up before 7am and got started with our day. We kept up some set up, made lunches for the day, and then headed out to the land. We set up tents and goals and the such. Some people started helping cooking in the makeshift kitchen and some helped set up meds in the med tents. It was a very hot morning. I left with the kiddos (including Nora) to get them out of the heat and rest and rehydrate. Turns out that being the resident "mom" is really nice for being able to get out of the sun and the such.

Really not much to update on. Haiti is still Haiti. There is destruction everywhere you turn. The tent cities are plentiful and enormous. A few months ago they really weren't even in actual tents, but it appears that most of the tent cities have been outfitted with tents. Doesn't really help much with the mud situation in the rain but at least someone paid them some attention. I'm actually not sure really what is happening. When I came in late January there were helicopters and troops and large nonprofits EVERYWHERE. I am just not seeing that anymore and the need is no where near over. Please continue to pray for Haiti and especially all the internally displaced and homeless people. Please pray for COORDINATED, LARGE SCALE efforts.

More later....

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